INVESTING IN OHIO’S FUTURE. WATER AND WASTEWATER INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT PROGRAM. The Water And Wastewater Infrastructure Grant will provide nearly $250,000,000 to help Ohio Communities make necessary investments in water and wastewater infrastructure.  Projects will improve access to clean drinking water and wastewater infrastructure. The program is being administered by the Ohio Department of Development…

Ohio Stormwater Association Award Nominations

Ohio Stormwater Association Awards will be presented at this year’s Ohio Stormwater Conference (May 6-8, 2020) The Award Nominations Deadline is March 27, 2020. For more information, visit: https://ohioswa.com/award-nominations   Dealing with Precipitation, Infiltration and Transpiration requires INSPIRATION! Nominate a person, project or program to be recognized at this year’s Ohio Stormwater Conference: Purpose:  To…

Take the Ohio Stormwater Association survey for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card!

  Take the Ohio Stormwater Association survey for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card! Take the survey here!  https://goo.gl/forms/ZTrCkF93G6wwbDNC3   The Ohio Stormwater Association’s Education Committee’s mission is to help provide educational opportunities to stormwater professionals throughout the State of Ohio. This includes putting on workshops, collaborating with other entities on existing…

OWEA / OSWA Watershed Workshop – Presentation Materials

OWEA / OSWA Watershed Workshop Click on a link to view slides from the corresponding session. Nutrient Mass Balanced for Selected Ohio Watersheds – Josh Griffin, Ohio EPA Quantifying Nutrients in Residential Stormwater Runoff and Understanding Nutrient Treatment Processes in Green Infrastructure – Dr. Ryan Winston, OSU The Uncanny Relationship between the Nutrient TMDL Question…