The Ohio Stormwater Association encourages all Ohio stormwater programs to take a few minutes to respond to Ohio EPA’s Storm Water Utility Survey Category: UncategorizedJanuary 24, 2020Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:2019 MS4 Bootcamp Training – Wednesday, May 8thNextNext post:Ohio Stormwater Association Award NominationsRelated postsWATER AND WASTEWATER INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT PROGRAM.August 16, 2021Ohio Stormwater Association Award NominationsFebruary 13, 20202019 MS4 Bootcamp Training – Wednesday, May 8thApril 2, 2019Take the Ohio Stormwater Association survey for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card!February 25, 2019Ohio EPA Early Stakeholder Outreach – MS4 Permit Updates – Presentation SlidesFebruary 21, 2019OWEA / OSWA Watershed Workshop – Presentation MaterialsOctober 30, 2018
Take the Ohio Stormwater Association survey for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card!February 25, 2019